On June 07th, Parea presented a karaoke night a Bonjjour. We also received an art piece from someone who chose to stay anonymous.
IDAHOT celebration with AIDES in Saint Laurent du Maroni
Parea members celebrated IDAHOTB (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on May 17th) with AIDES in Saint Laurent du Maroni.
Raoul Boucke discussion and informal drinks night
Parea hosted an informative talk between member Ruben del Prado and Raoul Boucke. Raoul Boucke is the first candidate for the European Parliament of Surinamese origins.
Introduction to a healthy lifestyle by yoga & fitness instructor Ruben Ortega
On Friday February 1st, Parea members and non-members had a very interesting and inspiring introduction to healthy yoga lifestyle by yoga/fitness instructor Ruben Ortega!
Hearings Commissie Diversiteit en Inclusiviteit van het Ministerie van Justitie en Politie
Minister Jennifer van Dijk-Silos van Justitie en Politie vindt dat het nu de tijd is om beleid te maken zodat de rechten van de LGBT-gemeenschap kunnen worden gewaarborgd. “Wij mensen zijn divers. We moeten elkaar accepteren in al onze diversiteit.